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What is Sequential Numbering? – Easy to understand Guide

Sequential numbering is a simple yet powerful tool for ensuring organisation, security, and efficiency in various business operations and document management systems.
what is sequential numbering

Sequential numbering is a process of printing numbers on paper, documents, mainly printing NCR books, pads and sets to give each document a unique reference. The numbers often printed in red ink for visibility. This method is widely used in the printing industry for a range of documents like continuous ncr forms, invoices and receipts and other,

For example, a small business needs NCR Invoice books printed and to give each Invoice a unique pre printed number, they use sequential numbers on the books, starting from 0001 onwards or a desired number.

What is the purpose of sequence numbers?

Sequential numbering finds extensive application in business and operational contexts. Printing starts from the first page with numbers in sequential order and numbering continues through the document to the end. Each print is given a start number or it can continue from the last number.  Here are some common examples:

NCR (No Carbon Required) Books / Forms: Widely used in NCR books, pads and register sets for contracts, invoices, purchase orders, and receipts. printed both on main copy and duplicate/triplicate copies.

Checks and Raffle Tickets: Utilised for accounting control and to ensure unique identification for each ticket.
Inventory and Inspection Tags: Applied on hang tags for easy tracking and management.
Business Documents: Used in sales contracts, warranty certificates, repair tickets, and other vital business forms for record-keeping and preventing unauthorised use.

What are the benefits of sequential numbering?

Unique Identification: Provides a distinct reference number for each item, crucial for tracking and verification. Numbers can be printed upto 7 digits and any pre-printed prefix is not considered in numbering digits. We recommend that any prefix should be approximately 2mm away from numbers.
Preventing Duplication: Ensures no replication of numbers, which is vital for items like product serial numbers, admission tickets, and raffle entries.
Organisational Efficiency: Facilitates easy categorisation, filing, and retrieval of documents, saving time and effort.
Counterfeit Prevention: Acts as a built-in mechanism to prevent counterfeiting and unauthorised usage of documents.

What is an example of sequential numbering?

Imagine a business issues invoices to its clients. The first invoice is numbered as “Invoice 001”. The next invoice issued would be “Invoice 002”, followed by “Invoice 003”, and so on. Each new invoice receives a number that is one greater than the last, ensuring that each invoice has a unique identifier and allowing for easy tracking and organisation of financial records.

Sequential numbering helps in maintaining order and can also be used in other contexts like ticket numbering for events, numbering pages in a document, or labeling items in an inventory system.

Also Read: Why choosing Personalised invoice books can be wise decision for small businesses

How to Use Sequential Numbering in Printing?

Customisation: The position of the numbers can be customised (single or multiple positions) and printed either horizontally or vertically. We can print number in any position and can continue from number of your previous order.  You can also add prefix of your choice in front of numbers in the design and we will print the numbers next to the pre-printed prefix. Please check after designing your artwork to ensure enough room for numbering.

Design Considerations: When developing custom designs, it’s advised to include a box for sequential numbering for ease of reference. If there is no box and numbers needs to be on a custom position, please specify it’s correct position on your artwork. Also, if you want to continue from your last books, do not forget to tell last number of your previous print.

Equipment and Quality Control: Many printers use special numbering machines to guarantee accurate and unique numbering.

Its versatility and practicality make it an indispensable feature in the printing industry. We offer free sequential numbering for all our customers for NCR orders.

Also Read: What is NCR Printing – Facts & History about NCR Paper

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